Understanding Energy: Auras, Chakras, and the Invisible Fields That Shape Us

Posted by: Trudy

Have you ever walked into a room and instantly felt a palpable energy? Or perhaps encountered someone whose presence seemed to radiate warmth, or conversely, an unsettling chill? These subtle sensations point towards the existence of an invisible energy field that surrounds and permeates all living beings. Exploring these energetic concepts – auras, chakras, and the subtle energy body - provides valuable insights into our physical and spiritual well-being and holds immense relevance in the realm of psychic and spiritual work.

1. The Aura: A Vibrant Field of Energy

The concept of the aura has ancient roots, found in various spiritual traditions across the globe. It is often described as an electromagnetic field that surrounds and permeates the human body, extending several inches to several feet depending on the individual.

What is the Aura Made Of?

While the precise nature of the aura remains a subject of ongoing exploration and debate, it is generally believed to consist of:

  • Subtle Energies: Vibrational energies that emanate from the body, including thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
  • Life Force Energy (Chi/Prana): The vital energy that sustains life.
  • Electromagnetic Fields: The human body generates measurable electromagnetic fields. These fields may interact with and influence the aura.

How to "See" the Aura (for Beginners)

  • Mindful Observation: Start by observing people with an open mind. Notice subtle nuances – a sense of warmth or coolness radiating from someone, a vibrant sense of aliveness, or a sense of heaviness or stagnation.
  • Palming: Gently cup your hands around someone's face or body (with their permission). You might perceive a slight warmth, a tingling sensation, or even a sense of pressure.
  • Aura Photography: While not always considered definitive proof, some specialized cameras are claimed to capture the human energy field.

2. Chakras: Energy Centers of the Body

Within the aura lie the chakras, often depicted as spinning vortexes of energy located along the central vertical axis of the body. Each chakra is associated with specific aspects of our being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. When these energy centers are balanced and flowing freely, we experience optimal health and well-being.

Key Chakras and their Associations:

  • Root Chakra (Muladhara): Base of the spine, associated with grounding, stability, and safety.
  • Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Lower abdomen, associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotions.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Upper abdomen, associated with self-esteem, willpower, and personal power.
  • Heart Chakra (Anahata): Center of the chest, associated with love, compassion, and connection.
  • Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Throat area, associated with communication, self-expression, and truth.
  • Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Forehead area, associated with intuition, wisdom, and inner vision.
  • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Top of the head, associated with spiritual connection, oneness, and enlightenment.

Signs of Chakras Imbalance:

  • Physical Ailments: Pain, discomfort, or chronic health issues in areas associated with the corresponding chakra.
  • Emotional Issues: Fear, anxiety, anger, resentment, or low self-esteem depending on the chakra involved.
  • Mental and Emotional Patterns: Difficulty communicating, lack of motivation, relationship problems, or a sense of disconnection.

3. The Energy Body: A Multi-Layered System

The concept of the energy body goes beyond just the aura and chakras. It encompasses a complex system of subtle energy fields, each with its own vibrational frequency and function. These layers interact with each other and with the physical body, influencing our overall health and well-being.

Key Components of the Energy Body:

  • The Physical Body: The physical manifestation of our being.
  • The Etheric Body: An energetic blueprint of the physical body, interpenetrating it and carrying the life force energy.
  • The Emotional Body: Reflects our emotions and how they are expressed.
  • The Mental Body: Associated with thoughts, beliefs, and mental patterns.
  • The Astral Body: The realm of emotions, dreams, and astral travel experiences.
  • The Higher Self: A connection to the divine, our soul purpose, and the collective consciousness.

4. The Importance of Energy in Psychic and Spiritual Work

Understanding these energetic concepts is fundamental to various psychic and spiritual disciplines. It provides a framework for:

  • Energy Healing: Practitioners like Reiki masters, energy healers, and acupuncturists work with the energy body to identify and address imbalances that contribute to physical, emotional, and mental disharmony.
  • Mediumship: Mediums often perceive and interact with the subtle energy fields of spirits.
  • Clairvoyant Readings: Clairvoyants often see the aura, perceive the energy of situations, and sense the flow of energy within individuals.
  • Intuition Development: Understanding the energy body enhances your ability to connect with your intuition, a key element of psychic development.
  • Spirituality: Aligning and balancing your energy body can facilitate a deeper connection to your spirit, source energy, and the divine.

5. Unveiling the Individual Aura - The Role of a Psychic Reading

While observing auras requires some level of sensitivity and practice, a skilled psychic can offer unique insights into your personal energy field:

  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: A psychic can often perceive the vibrancy, density, and balance of your aura, highlighting areas of strength and areas where your energy might be depleted, congested, or leaking.
  • Identifying Energetic Imbalances: They can pinpoint areas of imbalance within your chakras, such as blockages or overactivity.
  • Identifying Psychic Abilities: A psychic might be able to identify and activate dormant psychic abilities within your energy field.
  • Personalized Guidance: Based on their observations, they can offer tailored advice on practices like grounding, chakra balancing exercises, or energy protection techniques to enhance your energetic well-being.

Beyond the Scope of This Blog:

It's important to note that this is a simplified overview of complex energetic concepts. Exploring these topics in depth requires extensive study and practice. Resources like books, courses, and workshops can deepen your understanding of the aura, chakras, and the energy body.


The human experience extends far beyond the physical realm. We are beings of energy, immersed in a sea of subtle energies that influence our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Understanding these energetic concepts can shed light on our true nature and empower us to navigate life with greater awareness and consciousness. While self-observation and practice can enhance our ability to perceive our own energy field, a psychic reading with a qualified practitioner offers a valuable opportunity for deeper insights and personalized guidance.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Always consult 1 with qualified healthcare professionals for any health concerns.

About the Author


Psychic Trudy

I come from a long lineage of English countryside Psychic-Mediums and bring over 30 years of experience as spiritual Counselor in the Catholic Church. My foundation is my faith, my intuition is my rock. Within the chat I meet you where you are at energetically. I can immediately sense what is up for you and will answer directly with the messages I receive. If you are in crisis, if you are confused, if you are grieving, if you need clarity, I am here for you. These chat readings have become a “spiritual sanctuary” and I invite you to the experience.

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