6 Steps I Follow to Reach a Higher Level of Consciousness

Posted by: Mariana

If you are looking for a way to achieve spiritual enlightenment, you might be interested in this blog post. I will share with you the 6 steps that I followed to reach a higher level of consciousness and awareness using guided meditation, self meditation, psychic readings, tarot readings and walking barefoot on the ground. These steps are not easy, but they are worth it if you want to experience the true essence of your soul and connect with the divine source.

Step 1: Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a form of meditation where you listen to a voice or a sound that guides you through a specific process or scenario. Guided meditation can help you relax, focus, visualize, heal, manifest and more. There are many guided meditation apps and websites that you can use, or you can find a teacher or a mentor who can guide you personally. Guided meditation can help you prepare your mind and body for the journey of spiritual enlightenment by clearing your thoughts, releasing your emotions and aligning your energy.

Step 2: Self Meditation

Self meditation is a form of meditation where you meditate by yourself, without any external guidance or distraction. Self meditation can help you deepen your awareness, silence your ego, access your intuition and expand your consciousness. Self meditation requires more discipline and practice than guided meditation, but it also gives you more freedom and flexibility to explore your inner world. You can meditate in any way that suits you, such as breathing, chanting, observing, listening or feeling. Self meditation can help you discover your true self and your purpose in life.

Step 3: Psychic Readings

Psychic readings are a form of divination where you consult a psychic or a medium who can communicate with the spiritual realm and give you insights, guidance and messages from your spirit guides, angels, ancestors or other entities. Psychic readings can help you gain clarity, confirmation, direction and inspiration for your spiritual path. You can find a psychic or a medium online or in person, or you can learn how to do psychic readings yourself using tools such as pendulums, crystals, runes or cards. Psychic readings can help you connect with the spiritual forces that support you and guide you.

Step 4: Tarot Readings

Tarot readings are a form of divination where you use a deck of cards that have symbolic meanings and interpretations to answer questions, reveal possibilities and uncover hidden aspects of yourself and your situation. Tarot readings can help you understand yourself better, explore different perspectives and scenarios, make decisions and take actions. You can find a tarot reader online or in person, or you can learn how to do tarot readings yourself using books, websites or apps. Tarot readings can help you tap into your subconscious mind and your intuition.

Step 5: Walking Barefoot on the Ground

Walking barefoot on the ground is a form of grounding or earthing where you connect your feet with the natural surface of the earth such as grass, soil, sand or water. Walking barefoot on the ground can help you balance your energy, release stress and toxins, improve your health and well-being and enhance your mood. Walking barefoot on the ground can also help you feel more connected to nature, to yourself and to the source of all creation. You can walk barefoot on the ground anywhere that is safe and comfortable for you, preferably in a natural setting such as a park, a beach or a forest.

Step 6: Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual enlightenment is not a destination but a journey. It is not something that you achieve once and for all but something that you experience continuously and progressively. Spiritual enlightenment is not a fixed state but a dynamic process. It is not something that you do but something that you are. Spiritual enlightenment is the ultimate goal of all spiritual practices and paths. It is the realization of your true nature as a spiritual being having a human experience. It is the awakening of your soul to its infinite potential and its divine origin.


I hope this blog post has inspired you to try these 6 steps to reach spiritual enlightenment using guided meditation, self meditation psychic readings tarot readings and walking barefoot on the ground. Remember that spiritual enlightenment is not something that happens overnight but something that requires dedication patience and perseverance. It is also something that is unique to each individual so don't compare yourself to others or follow anyone else's rules. Find what works for you and enjoy the journey.