Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Your Aura

Posted by: Burton

An aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds every living being. It is composed of different colors and shapes that reflect our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state. By learning how to see and read your own aura, you can gain insight into your personality, mood, health and potential.

Seeing your own aura is not difficult, but it requires some practice and patience. Here are some steps you can follow to see your own aura:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can relax and focus. You can sit or lie down, as long as you are comfortable.
  • Choose a plain white or light-colored background to look at. You can use a wall, a sheet of paper or a mirror. Make sure there is enough natural or soft light in the room, but avoid direct sunlight or bright artificial lights.
  • Hold your hand in front of the background, about 20 cm away from your eyes. Spread your fingers slightly apart and relax your eyes. Don't stare at your hand, but look at the space between your fingers or around the edges of your hand.
  • After a few minutes, you may start to notice a faint glow or outline around your hand. This is the first layer of your aura, called the etheric body. It is usually white or gray in color and follows the shape of your physical body.
  • Keep looking at your hand and try to notice any other colors or layers in your aura. You may see different colors in different parts of your hand or around your fingers. These are the higher layers of your aura, which reflect your mental, emotional and spiritual state. The colors may change depending on your mood, thoughts and feelings.
  • If you have difficulty seeing any colors or layers in your aura, don't get frustrated or give up. It may take some time and practice to develop your auric vision. You can also try to see your aura in different settings, such as in nature or with music. You can also ask a friend to help you by looking at your aura and telling you what they see.

Reading your own aura is a matter of interpreting the colors and shapes that you see in your energy field. Different colors and shapes have different meanings and associations, but they are not fixed or absolute. They may vary depending on the context, the person and the source of information. However, here are some general guidelines that you can use to read your own aura:

- Red: Red is the color of passion, energy, action and vitality. It indicates a strong physical presence, courage, confidence and enthusiasm. It can also indicate anger, aggression, stress or danger.

- Orange: Orange is the color of creativity, joy, optimism and social interaction. It indicates a playful, adventurous and expressive personality. It can also indicate emotional imbalance, anxiety or restlessness.

- Yellow: Yellow is the color of intellect, logic, clarity and communication. It indicates a rational, analytical and curious mind. It can also indicate optimism, happiness and inspiration.

- Green: Green is the color of nature, healing, growth and harmony. It indicates a compassionate, generous and nurturing personality. It can also indicate balance, stability and health.

- Blue: Blue is the color of spirituality, intuition, wisdom and peace. It indicates a calm, serene and trustworthy personality. It can also indicate communication, expression and creativity.

- Indigo: Indigo is the color of insight, vision, imagination and psychic abilities. It indicates a deep connection with the higher self, the subconscious and the divine. It can also indicate intuition, inspiration and awareness.

- Violet: Violet is the color of transformation, transcendence, spirituality and magic. It indicates a visionary, mystical and charismatic personality. It can also indicate connection with the spiritual realm, higher purpose and cosmic consciousness.

The shape of your aura can also tell you something about your state of being. A smooth and even aura indicates balance, harmony and well-being. A jagged or irregular aura indicates imbalance, disharmony or disturbance. A large and bright aura indicates vitality, strength and charisma. A small and dim aura indicates weakness, fatigue or illness.

You can change your aura by changing your thoughts, emotions and actions. Your aura is a reflection of your inner state, so by changing what you think, feel and do, you can change what you radiate to the world.

One way to change your aura is by using meditation. Meditation is a practice that helps you calm your mind, relax your body and connect with your spirit. By meditating regularly, you can clear any negative or stagnant energy from your aura and fill it with positive and vibrant energy.

Here are some steps you can follow to meditate for changing your aura:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down. You can use music, candles, incense or crystals to create a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breathing and let go of any thoughts or worries that may distract you.
  • Visualize a white light entering your body through the top of your head and filling your entire being with pure and healing energy. Feel the light cleansing, balancing and energizing your aura.
  • Visualize a color that you want to add to your aura. You can choose a color that represents a quality that you want to enhance or attract, such as love, joy, peace or abundance. Feel the color entering your body through the top of your head and mixing with the white light in your aura.
  • Visualize your aura expanding and shining with the color that you have chosen. Feel the color affecting your mood, thoughts and feelings in a positive way. Feel the color attracting more of the same quality to your life.
  • Stay in this state for as long as you like, enjoying the benefits of your aura transformation. When you are ready, open your eyes and return to your normal awareness.

Another way to change your aura is by using a psychic. A psychic is someone who has the ability to perceive and manipulate energy fields, such as auras. A psychic can see your aura with a remote reading and help you to solve any aura issues that you may have.

A psychic can help you to see and read your own aura by giving you feedback, guidance and advice on what they see in your energy field. They can also help you to cleanse, balance and energize your aura by using their own energy or tools such as crystals, candles or cards.

A psychic can also help you to change your aura by using their intention, visualization and affirmation. They can help you to create a positive and powerful aura that reflects your true self and attracts what you desire.

However, not all psychics are trustworthy or reliable. You should be careful when choosing a psychic to work with and make sure that they have good reviews, credentials and ethics. You should also trust your intuition and listen to your own inner voice when working with a psychic.

Your aura is a unique and beautiful expression of who you are. By learning how to see and read your own aura, you can discover more about yourself and your potential. By learning how to change your aura, you can improve your life and manifest your dreams.