How to Start a Routine of Walking Barefoot in Nature and Why It's Good for Your Soul

Posted by: Roger

Have you ever felt the urge to take off your shoes and walk on the grass, the sand, or the dirt? If so, you are not alone. Many people find that walking barefoot in nature helps them feel more connected to themselves and their emotions. In this blog post, I will explain why walking barefoot in nature is beneficial for healing from trauma, and how you can start doing it today.

One of the effects of trauma is that it disconnects you from your body and your emotions. You may feel numb, detached, or dissociated from yourself and your surroundings. You may also experience flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, shame, or fear. These are normal reactions to abnormal situations, but they can interfere with your daily functioning and your happiness.

One way to reconnect with your body and your emotions is to walk barefoot in nature. Walking barefoot in nature is also known as earthing or grounding. It means that you make direct contact with the earth's surface with your bare feet. This has several benefits for healing from trauma:

Walking barefoot in nature is also known as "earthing" or "grounding", and it involves making direct contact with the earth's surface. According to some proponents of this practice, it can help balance the electrical charge in your body, reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, lower stress, and enhance mood.

  • It reduces inflammation and pain. When you walk barefoot on the earth, you absorb free electrons from the ground. These electrons act as antioxidants and neutralize the free radicals that cause inflammation and pain in your body. Inflammation and pain are common symptoms of trauma and chronic stress.
  • It improves your mood and sleep. Walking barefoot on the earth also affects your brain and nervous system. It stimulates the release of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that regulate your mood, motivation, and pleasure. It also lowers your cortisol levels, which are hormones that trigger your stress response. By balancing your brain chemistry and reducing your stress hormones, walking barefoot on the earth can help you feel more calm, relaxed, happy, and energized. It can also improve your sleep quality and duration, which are essential for healing from trauma.
  • It enhances your awareness and intuition. Walking barefoot on the earth also connects you to the natural rhythms and cycles of the planet. You become more aware of the changes in temperature, humidity, light, sound, and smell that occur throughout the day and the seasons. You also become more attuned to your own sensations, feelings, thoughts, and impulses. This can help you develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and self-trust, which are key for healing from trauma.

But how can you start a routine of walking barefoot in nature, and what are some tips to make it safe and enjoyable? Here are some suggestions:

  • Start slowly and gradually. If you're not used to walking barefoot, your feet may be sensitive or prone to injuries. So start with short walks on soft surfaces like grass or sand, and avoid rocky, rough, or hot terrain. You can also wear minimalist shoes or sandals that protect your feet but still allow you to feel the ground.
  • Choose a suitable time and place. The best time to walk barefoot in nature is when the weather is mild and the ground is dry. Avoid walking in extreme temperatures, wet conditions, or polluted areas. You can also check the local regulations and laws regarding walking barefoot in public places, as some may prohibit or restrict it.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings. Walking barefoot in nature can be a great way to connect with yourself and the environment, but it also requires awareness and caution. Watch out for potential hazards like sharp objects, animal droppings, insects, or poisonous plants. You can also carry a first-aid kit in case of minor cuts or scrapes.
  • Enjoy the experience. Walking barefoot in nature can be a relaxing and rewarding activity that can boost your well-being. Try to focus on the sensations of your feet touching the earth, the sounds of nature, and the sights of beauty. You can also practice mindfulness, gratitude, or meditation while walking barefoot in nature.
  • Make it a habit. To reap the benefits of walking barefoot in nature, you need to do it regularly and consistently. You can set a goal for yourself, such as walking barefoot for 15 minutes every day or three times a week. You can also invite a friend or a family member to join you, or join a community of like-minded people who share your passion.

To start walking barefoot in nature, you don't need any special equipment or skills. All you need is a pair of shoes that you can easily take off and put on again, and a safe place where you can walk without hurting yourself or others. You can choose any natural surface that feels comfortable to you, such as grass, sand, dirt, rocks, or water. You can walk at any pace that suits you, for as long as you want. You can do it alone or with someone else. You can do it in silence or with music or sounds that inspire you.

The most important thing is to pay attention to what you are experiencing in the present moment. Notice how the earth feels under your feet, how your body moves and breathes, how your emotions change and flow. Be curious and open to whatever arises in your awareness. Don't judge yourself or try to change anything. Just observe and accept what is.

Walking barefoot in nature is a simple but powerful way to heal from trauma. It can help you reconnect with your body and your emotions, reduce your inflammation and pain, improve your mood and sleep, and enhance your awareness and intuition. It can also bring you joy, peace, and gratitude for being alive.

Walking barefoot in nature can be a simple and effective way to improve your physical and emotional health. By following these tips, you can start a routine of walking barefoot in nature and enjoy its positive effects on your soul.