Reincarnation and Past Lives: A Guide for the Curious

Posted by: Simi

Have you ever wondered if you have lived before? Do you feel a connection to certain places, people, or cultures that you can't explain? Do you have memories or dreams that seem to belong to someone else? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be interested in the concept of reincarnation and past lives.

Reincarnation is the belief that a soul can be reborn in a new body after death. Some people claim to remember their past lives, which can be factually verified by finding their previous families and identifying them by name, relationship, or secret. These people usually start telling their past life stories as soon as they learn to speak, and tend to forget them by the age of seven. Many of them died violently in their past lives and have phobias related to their cause of death. The University of Virginia has a division that has researched over 1200 of these cases for over 50 years.

To give you some examples of past life memories, here are a few cases that have been studied by researchers:

  • James Leininger, a boy from Louisiana who remembered being a World War II fighter pilot named James Huston. He was able to provide accurate details about Huston's life and death, such as the name of his aircraft carrier, his fellow crew members, and the location of his plane crash. He also recognized some of Huston's relatives when he met them.
  • Shanti Devi, a girl from India who remembered being a woman named Lugdi Devi who died during childbirth. She was able to describe Lugdi's husband, son, home, and village with remarkable accuracy. She also spoke in the dialect of Lugdi's region, which was different from her own.
  • Ryan Hammons, a boy from Oklahoma who remembered being a Hollywood actor and agent named Marty Martyn. He made 55 statements about Martyn's life that were later confirmed by historical records, such as his movies, marriages, children, and address. He also had an affinity for acting and dancing.

Reincarnation is a central tenet of the Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism; as well as certain Pagan religious groups, including Wicca. However, there are also some Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Indigenous peoples who believe in reincarnation or some form of it. Reincarnation is not a new idea; it was held by Greek historical figures such as Pythagoras, Socrates, and Plato, as well as in various modern religions.

One of the reasons why people are fascinated by reincarnation and past lives is that they offer a sense of continuity and purpose to our existence. They also suggest that we have a chance to learn from our mistakes and improve ourselves in each life cycle. Some people believe that reincarnation is governed by the law of karma, which means that our actions in one life will affect our fate in the next one. Others believe that reincarnation is a natural process of evolution and growth for the soul.

If you are curious about your own past lives, you might want to try some methods of exploring them. One of the most common ways is through hypnosis or regression therapy, which involves putting yourself in a relaxed state and accessing your subconscious memories. Another way is through meditation or guided imagery, which involves using your imagination and intuition to visualize your past lives. A third way is through psychic readings or consultations with someone who claims to have the ability to see your past lives.

However, before you embark on any of these methods, you should be aware of some potential risks and limitations. First of all, not everyone can remember their past lives, and some memories might be false or distorted by your own expectations or emotions. Second, remembering your past lives might not always be beneficial or pleasant; you might uncover traumas or conflicts that could affect your present life negatively. Third, focusing too much on your past lives might distract you from living your current life fully and authentically.

Therefore, if you decide to explore your past lives, you should do so with an open mind and a critical eye. You should also seek professional guidance and support if you encounter any difficulties or distress. Remember that your past lives are not more important than your present one; they are only parts of your soul's journey. The most important thing is to live your current life with awareness, compassion, and gratitude.