The Best Dates of 2023 To Go on Your Last First Date

Posted by: Lucinda

First dates can be nerve-wracking, exciting, and sometimes awkward. You want to make a good impression, but you also don't want to come off as too eager or desperate. You want to have fun, but you also want to avoid any red flags or deal-breakers. You want to be yourself, but you also want to show your best side.

So how do you have a great first date that leads to a long lasting relationship? Here are some tips to help you out.

1. Choose a suitable activity. The first date should be something that you both enjoy and that allows you to have a conversation. Avoid movies, concerts, or loud bars where you can't talk much. Instead, opt for something like coffee, dinner, a walk in the park, or a museum visit. These activities give you a chance to get to know each other better and see if you have chemistry.

2. Be punctual and respectful. Nothing ruins a first date more than being late or rude. Show up on time, dress appropriately, and be polite to your date and others. Don't check your phone constantly, interrupt your date, or talk about your ex. Pay attention to your date and show interest in what they have to say. Compliment them on something genuine and express gratitude for their time.

3. Be yourself and be honest. Don't pretend to be someone you're not or lie about anything on your first date. You want your date to like you for who you are, not for who you think they want you to be. Be authentic and share your opinions, hobbies, values, and goals. Don't be afraid to show some vulnerability and humor. At the same time, don't overshare or reveal too much too soon. Keep some mystery and leave room for curiosity.

4. Ask open-ended questions and listen actively. One of the best ways to have a great conversation on a first date is to ask open-ended questions that invite your date to share more about themselves. For example, instead of asking "What do you do for work?", ask "What do you enjoy most about your work?" or "How did you get into your field?". These questions show that you care and that you want to learn more about your date's passions and interests. Listen actively and respond with empathy and enthusiasm. Avoid topics that are too personal, controversial, or negative on the first date.

5. Have fun and be positive. The most important thing on a first date is to have fun and be positive. Don't put too much pressure on yourself or your date to make it perfect or to decide if you're compatible right away. Just relax and enjoy the moment. Smile, laugh, joke, and flirt. Show your date that you're having a good time and that you're happy to be with them. Don't complain, criticize, or judge your date or yourself.

6. End the date well and follow up. How you end the date can make a big difference in how your date feels about you and whether they want to see you again. If you had a great time and feel a connection, don't be afraid to say so and express your interest in seeing them again. If you feel comfortable, go for a hug or a kiss (but don't force it). If you're not sure how they feel or what they want, ask them politely and respectfully. Don't play games or wait too long to contact them after the date. Send them a text or call them within 24 hours to thank them again and confirm your interest.

If you're looking for love in 2023, you might be wondering when is the best time to go on a first date with a guy. Well, you're in luck, because I've done some research and compiled a list of the best dates in each month of the year for a successful first date. Here they are:

January: January 6th. This is the day after Twelfth Night, which marks the end of the Christmas season. It's a great time to go on a date because you can share your holiday stories, exchange gifts if you want, and enjoy the festive decorations before they're taken down. Plus, it's still cold enough to cuddle up and get cozy.

February: February 14th. Yes, I know it's cliché, but hear me out. Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to show your romantic side and impress your date with your thoughtful gestures. Whether you go for a fancy dinner, a movie night, or a walk in the park, you can't go wrong with celebrating love on this special day.

March: March 17th. St. Patrick's Day is a fun and lively occasion to go on a date. You can wear green, drink beer, and join the festivities with your date. It's a great way to bond over your shared heritage or learn about each other's cultures. Plus, you might get lucky and find a four-leaf clover.

April: April 22nd. This is Earth Day, a day to appreciate and protect our planet. It's a great time to go on a date because you can show your eco-friendly side and do something good for the environment. You can plant a tree, pick up trash, or join a local event with your date. It's a great way to show that you care about more than just yourself.

May: May 4th. This is Star Wars Day, a day to celebrate one of the most iconic movie franchises of all time. It's a great time to go on a date because you can geek out over your favorite characters, quotes, and scenes with your date. You can watch a movie marathon, dress up in costumes, or play trivia games with your date. It's a great way to show your fun and quirky side.

June: June 21st. This is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. It's a great time to go on a date because you can enjoy the sunshine and warmth with your date. You can go for a picnic, a bike ride, or a swim with your date. It's a great way to show your adventurous and spontaneous side.

July: July 4th. This is Independence Day, a day to celebrate freedom and democracy. It's a great time to go on a date because you can show your patriotic side and enjoy the fireworks with your date. You can go for a barbecue, a parade, or a concert with your date. It's a great way to show your proud and loyal side.

August: August 8th. This is International Cat Day, a day to celebrate our furry friends. It's a great time to go on a date because you can show your soft and cuddly side and bond over your love for cats with your date. You can visit an animal shelter, adopt a cat, or watch cat videos with your date. It's a great way to show your compassionate and playful side.

September: September 22nd. This is the autumn equinox, the first day of fall. It's a great time to go on a date because you can enjoy the changing colors and crisp air with your date. You can go for a hike, a hayride, or apple picking with your date. It's a great way to show your cozy and relaxed side.

October: October 31st. This is Halloween, a day to celebrate all things spooky and scary.

It's a great time to go on a date because you can show your creative and daring side and have some fun with your date. You can dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, or visit a haunted house with your date. It's a great way to show your imaginative and thrilling side.

November: November 11th. This is Veterans Day, a day to honor those who have served in the military. It's a great time to go on a date because you can show your respectful and grateful side and learn from your date. You can visit a memorial, attend a ceremony, or donate to a charity with your date. It's a great way to show your appreciative and generous side.

December: December 25th. This is Christmas, a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the spirit of giving. It's a great time to go on a date because you can show your festive and joyful side and share the magic of the season with your date. You can decorate a tree, exchange gifts, or sing carols with your date. It's a great way to show your cheerful and loving side.

So there you have it, the best dates in 2023 to go on a first date with a guy. Of course, these are just suggestions, and you can always choose a different date that suits your preferences and personality. The most important thing is to have fun and be yourself. Remember, first dates are not only a way to get to know someone, but also a way to show them who you are and what you value. By choosing a date that reflects your interests, passions, and goals, you can increase your chances of finding a compatible partner and building a long-lasting relationship. Good luck and happy dating!
