Whispers from the Past: A Psychic Medium's Encounter at “The Mizpah Hotel"

Posted by: Lucinda

As a psychic medium, I've always been attuned to the energies that swirl invisibly around us. But nothing quite prepared me for the experience I had at the Mizpah Historical Hotel in Tonopah, Nevada, a place as rich in history as it is in spectral inhabitants.

A Night Like No Other

It was a chilly evening when I checked into the hotel, the lobby a grandiose gateway to the past. The air was thick with the scent of aged wood and a hint of something else—something ethereal. I had heard stories of the hotel's haunted reputation, but as someone who communicates with the other side, I was skeptical yet intrigued.

The Haunting Begins

The haunting began subtly. A whisper here, a shadow flitting there. At first, I thought it was just the hotel settling into the night. But as I tuned in, I realized these were not mere creaks and groans of an old building. They were voices, echoes of the past clamoring to be heard.

An Encounter with the Past

In my room, the atmosphere grew dense, as if the air itself was charged with anticipation. That's when I saw her—a spectral figure in a Victorian gown, her expression one of deep sorrow. She didn't speak, but her presence was a message in itself. She was a remnant of the hotel's storied past, lingering in the realm of the living.

The Message Received

As our eyes met, a flood of emotions and images washed over me. I saw the hotel in its heyday, a beacon of elegance and joy. But with the good came the bad—heartbreak, loss, and a life cut tragically short. This spirit, she was tied to a moment in time, unable to move on. Despite my years of experience, the encounter did leave me shaken, yet also enlightened. It was a poignant reminder that as a psychic medium, I am a bridge between worlds, a conduit for those who have passed to communicate with the living. I conveyed to the spirit that she was liberated from her traumatic bonds, and upon immediate conclusion of this message the heater in my room emitted an intense, resonant, gong-like sound! From experience I know this to be a sign signifying a profound acknowledgment.


As dawn broke, the haunting receded like a tide. The hotel returned to its guise of normalcy, but for those who listen closely, the whispers of history are never far away. My night at the Mizpah Hotel was a testament to the enduring presence of spirits and the stories they yearn to tell. It was more than just a place of lodging; it was a portal to the past, a keeper of secrets and it serves as an elegant affirmation that, should we choose to be receptive, we have the ability to engage in communion with the spirit realm.